Tuesday 4 September 2012

GMP ignores complaints at expensive new HQ in Newton Heath

Greater Manchester Police has, it seems, adopted a policy of Ignoring Public Complaints. In an attempt to fiddle its figures, it is far easier for the force to refuse to take complaints from the public. One tactic is to keep you waiting in a Police station for a few hours, to be told that "there is no Inspector available to take the complaint" is becoming a familiar story to many members of the public.
When officers transgress the law, which we all know can happen, there should be some fair way of investigating what they have done and bring them to justice. If you do manage to make a police complaint, it is investigated by other police officers and a staggering 95% are dismissed without any action being taken.
But why bother going through the process, when you can simply tell a member of the public that there is nobody available to take a complaint? Simply ignore the letters being posted to the Chief Constable, and not reply to phone calls registering complaints!
This is the current situation in 2012, a corrupt police force that does not even take your complaint seriously.

When I first started looking at this subject it became apparent that Greater Manchester Police did not care that they were breaking the law. This is because it has become standard practice for them to lie to the public. The recent disclosures on the Hillsborough disaster are just the tip of the Iceburg:


The police new they could lie about the disaster and cover it up for an amazing 23 years.

I would ask yourself, if they could lie about the deaths of 96 people and commit criminal acts to cover up their behaviour, what else could they lie about???

Once you look into the murky world of UK policing, it becomes apparent that something is wrong with the system. The corruption goes all the way to the top. Laws passed after "Terrorist" attacks effectively erroded peoples rights in this country, where now we exist in a George Orwell - Police state. I would urge everyone to look at those attacks of 9/11 and 7/7 and ask the question, were these attacks really Muslim extremists or did the state have something to gain by making us think we were under attack?

The analysis of the 7/7 attacks, give startling findings that reveal the lengths that the government will go to, to cover up the truth and lie to the public.
Documentary on 7/7 attacks - this is the first one. 7/7 Ripple Effect 2 is available on Youtube after film maker was cleared after jury agreed that the evidence was that elements of the government planned this attack.
Do not take anybodys word for this, look at the actual proof yourself. Then say to yourself OMG. 
This is an analysis of the 9/11 attacks - both planes fired a missile before they impacted the world trade centre

Professional architects and engineers have joined together in the United States to demand the truth about the 9/11 attacks, as the governments version of events just doesn't fit the facts:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Architects &Engineers_for_9/11_Truth

Architects & Engineers for truth demand independent enquiry into 9/11 attacks

Many will dismiss the evidence labelling the mass of evidence as a "conspiracy theory" when in fact the people looking closely at the evidence are "truth seekers".

One thing I have found out is that the government, the government run media, the banks and the police are all lying to us about a lot of things. It is up to you to WAKE UP and find out the facts. After 11 years of constant war based on lies it is time to say NO to these lying thieving people who are running our country.